Hemingway mis-present. On the trail of shame

Jakub Suliga



The Hemingway that Poles know is Bronisław Zieliński's Hemingway. Once one of the most popular writers in Poland, today he is already forgotten. Using the example of one of Hemingway's most personal books, "Green Hills of Africa," the author examines whether the Polish reader has come to know the kind of Hemingway that the Nobel Prize winner really created. The translator knew the writer personally and fell into the trap of the "Hemingway myth" - he joined in the construction of the Nobel Prize winner's legend, trying to eliminate the affections of shame that can be found in the novel.


Hemingway, Zielinski, Green Hills of Africa, Shame affect


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Cited by

Suliga, J. (2021). Hemingway mis-present. On the trail of shame. Transfer. Reception Studies, 6, 161–174. https://doi.org/10.16926/10.16926/trs.2021.06.09


Jakub Suliga 


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