Alexander Batowski's Criticism of the Polish Translation of Friedrich Schiller's Poem, Die Ideale

Universität Warschau (Warschau) (Poland)


The primary purpose of this article is to present a practical example of translation criticism through the use of Alexander Batowski's 1831 critique of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński's translation of Friedrich Schiller's poem, Die Ideale. The first part of the article discusses the differences between the 19th century's concept of translation and current trends; it also presents an introduction to the work of both a long-forgotten translator and his critic. Through analysis of Batowski's criticism, there is an attempt first of all to separate the critic's motivation, and then, to define the principles he uses to support his arguments. From this perspective, the article shows the way in which Batowski judges language and stylistic elements in Kamiński's translation. Through the article's historical approach to the problem of translation and translation criticism, it is possible to gain insight into the reception of Schiller's work in Poland in the 19th century.


Aleksander Batowski, Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, Friedrich Schiller, translation critique 19th century, literary translation 19th century


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Cited by

EBERHARTER, M. . (2017). Alexander Batowski’s Criticism of the Polish Translation of Friedrich Schiller’s Poem, Die Ideale. Transfer. Reception Studies, 2, 107–122.


Universität Warschau (Warschau) Poland


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