Women and men in Ukraine. A step towards equality [Review:] Oksana Yarosh, Nadia Pashkova, Anna Perepeliuk Чоловіки як союзники. Посібник. Kiev, 2022, 112 pp
This review concerns the book by Oksana Yarosh, Nadia Pashkova, Anna Perepeliuk Choloviky jak sojuznyky [Men as allies], published (online) in 2022 by International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). The reviewed publication is devoted to the issue of equality in Ukraine. The authors draw attention to existing areas of oppression against women, perpet-uated by tradition. They point to the growing awareness of gender equality in Ukraine thanks to the implementation of legislation and education in this area, as well as the activities of var-ious international organisations. Thanks to the activities of non-governmental organisations, good policies but, above all, thanks to the change in attitudes of relations, the life of women and men in Ukraine is moving towards full equality.
Ukraine, gender equality policy, women and men, cooperationReferences
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