Reading out the novels, Julia Franck's The Blindness of the Heart / Mittagsfrau and Jenny Erpenbeck's The Book of Words / Wörterbuch from the Polish perspective


Akademia im. Jana Długosza (Częstochowa) (Poland)


The paper undertakes the subject matter of the reception of Julia's Franck's The Blindness of the Heart / Mittagsfrau and Jenny's Erpenbeck's The Book of Words / Wörterbuch in Poland. While analyzing the quantity of reviews, commentaries, opinions in the academic, critical and literary circulation (also non-professional Internet circulation) of both works, she points at the bigger interest in reading out The Blindness of the Heart rather than The Book of Words. She believes it is so due to promotional activites of the publisher, where the novels appeared. They indicate that the readers more willingly choose a consecrated, already awarded author who has gained a medial recognition and prestige, rather than an important, of symbolic cap-ital and interest to only a narrow group of receivers. They also appreciate books of im-portance, unique ones, and not necessarily medially present. Moreover, the author indicates that while reading out The Blindness of the Heart one should notice the role of the national identity perspective of the inhabitants of Eastern Europe and the totalitarian optics , through which Jenny Erpenbeck's The Book of Words is read reveals the Polish-German historical ‘closeness', identical for both states of the Eastern Block. Summing up, the author claims that young German literature represented by the above mentioned authors still seldom becomes the subject of the research.


The Blindness of the Heart, Mittagsfrau, Julia Franck, The Book of Words, Wörterbuch, Jenny Erpenbeck, reception, critical and literary circulation, consecrated writer, symbolic capital, national identity, totalitarianism


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Cited by

PIOTROWSKA, K. . (2016). Reading out the novels, Julia Franck’s The Blindness of the Heart / Mittagsfrau and Jenny Erpenbeck’s The Book of Words / Wörterbuch from the Polish perspective. Transfer. Reception Studies, 1, 175–189.



Akademia im. Jana Długosza (Częstochowa) Poland





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