Success of Morphine by Szczepan Twardoch in Germany
Morphine by Polish author Szczepan Twardoch is seen as a part of Polish national literature; however, it's German translation was not only a big success, but the German readers re-sponded to this novel as if it were a product of their own culture. This paper will review and analyze the novel's critical acclaim in the German feuilleton while also comparing it to simi-lar contemporary German novels. It goes on to search for reasons why this popularity oc-curred by discussing a few aspects the author uses that are common within the German col-lective memory. This includes Twardoch's ability to find great ways to bring together tradi-tional themes and modern contemporary literature.
Szczepan Twardoch, Morphine, Szczepan Twardoch in Germany, literary criticism, collective memory, traditional literary themesReferences
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