Long Neglected, Now Widely Read. The Journey of Rafik Schami into the Polish Mainstream
The aim of this article is to present the work of Rafik Schami, a German writer with Syrian origins, and to determine the impact of his literary output on the publishing market in Poland and to analyze how his output has been received by Polish readers. The authoress answers why Polish publishing houses have been late in their discovery of Schami and draws a parallel between the current state of affairs in Syria and a recently developed interest in Shami's works. In just five years, five of his books have been published in Poland. Not only have the works been well received, they have amassed a large number of followers. The authoress thinks that his great popularity, especially among women, is due to both Shami's talent as a raconteur and the universal nature of his books. They are perfect for children and adolescents as well as adults. As an author, however, he is still waiting to be discovered by Polish critical and academic circles.
Rafik Schami, reception of Rafik Schami's literary output in Poland, German literature in PolandReferences
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Anna SZYNDLERa.szyndler@ujd.edu.pl
Jan Długosz Universität in Częstochowa (Częstochowa) Poland
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