Crossing the boundaries in Austrian novels: Engel des Vergessens by Maja Haderlap and Stillbach oder die Sehnsucht Sabine Gruber
monika.bednarz@interia.euUniwersytet Opolski (Opole) (Poland)
This article examines the issue of crossing cultural and linguistic boundaries in the novels of the two Austrian writers who come from the borderland. On the example of fate of a woman, the autobiographical novel Engel des Vergessens by Maja Haderlap presents historical and social conditions determining the memory of the Slovenian minority in Austria, confronted with the official cultural memory of German-speaking Austrians. On the other hand, the case of Emma in Sabine Gruber’s Stillbach oder die Sehnsucht is a close-up of the complex south-ern Tyrolean situation after the annexation of this region by Fascist Italy. The problem of transgression involves both the heroines of the novels and the authors to the same extent.
Maja Haderlap, Sabine Gruber, boundary, cultural memory, transgression, national minorities, Austria, Carinthia, South TyrolReferences
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Monika WÓ
Uniwersytet Opolski (Opole) Poland
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