The borders of bourgeois class (in)decency. Marcin Kołodziejczyk's Dysforia. Przypadki mieszczan polskich in the context of Polish reception of Gabriele Wohmann
Joanna ŁAWNIKOWSKA-KOPER Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie (Częstochowa) (Poland)
The paper is dedicated to the Polish reception of the works of an eminent West German writer, Gabriele Wohmann, who died in 2015 and has been acknowledged by the literary critics to be a master of short prose. In view of only few translations of her works into Polish, the reception of Wohmann in the critical circulation is limited. She is recognisable in the Polish academic discourse, but it is limited to the German Studies. Wohmann, as an excellent observer of the society in the times of economic growth, in her stories criticising “bourgeois” attitudes of her fellow citizens and dealing with the universal themes of love, fear, loneliness, exclusion, death, comes back implicite (parallel transfer) in Marcin Kołodziejczyk’s text, Dysforia.Przypadki mieszczan polskich (2015). According to the accept-ed thesis, the Polish society in its attitudes and choices related to the rising of a middle class and new bourgeois class after 1989 resembles the West German society so critically de-scribed by the German author thirty and forty years ago.
Gabriele Wohmann, reception in Poland, bourgeois, Marcin Kołodziejczyk, Dysforia. Przypadki mieszan polskich, Dysforia. Przypadki mieszczan polskich.References
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Joanna Ł
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie (Częstochowa) Poland
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