Intercultural and intersemiotic transfer of humor. The children novel by Erich Kästner «The 35thof May or Conrad’s Ride to the South Seas» in the graphic design of Bohdan Butenko
Joanna FRUŻYŃSKA Warszawski (Warszawa) (Poland)
The subject of the presented paper is the analysis of the graphic design of the novel The 35th of May or Conrad’s Ride to the South Seas by Erich Kästner, edited by Nasza Księgarnia publishing house in the period 1957-2008. The Polish edition of the book, illustrated by an eminent representative of the Polish School of illustration, Bohdan Butenko, has the features of a picture book. It is characterized by the versatility of the project, including typography and book “architecture". The graphic layout of the book, examined as a form of intersemiotic translation, is analyzed in terms of humor, which is present in both the literary text and illustrations in several typical figures: caricature, carnivalesque "world upside down", subtle parody and satire.
picture book, illustration, comic, caricature, ironyReferences
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