Literature - Culture - Dialogue. Problems and dilemas of contemporary literary comparative studies

Grażyna Barbara SZEWCZYK
Uniwersytet Śląski (Katowice) (Poland)


The paper is an attempt to reconstruct and characterise discourses in the comparative literature studies in the 20th and 21st centuries. Beginning with the presentation of the methodology of comparative research in the 50's of the 20th century, the author undertakes the evaluation of research strategies, models and concepts in the consequent decades. She points out that the subject of controversies and disputes of comparative researchers referred to dif-ficulties connected with establishing the identity of a developing discipline, its instrumenta-tion and place in the contemporary, postmodern directions of literature studies. While recalling and commenting on the opinions of Polish and foreign academics, she indicates the methodological intricacies accompanying an attempt to clarify the research aims and tasks of comparative studies in the period of cultural turn. In this aspect, she also considers the category of the dialogue and discursiveness, inter-culturalism and trans-culturalism along with the aspect of translation and its role in the process of cross-cultural communication.


comparative literature studies, interpretation, identity, dialogue, literary translation, transculturalism, culture transfer


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Cited by

SZEWCZYK, G. B. . (2016). Literature - Culture - Dialogue. Problems and dilemas of contemporary literary comparative studies. Transfer. Reception Studies, 1, 11–27.


Grażyna Barbara SZEWCZYK
Uniwersytet Śląski (Katowice) Poland


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