“Ich komme aus Polen”: Migrant Literature as Coming Out– Wir Strebermigranten by Emilia Smechowski in the Context of Polish Migrant Prose in Germany
Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski
brigitta@helbig-mischewski.deAdam-Mickiewicz-Universität Posen (Posen) (Germany)
The aim of the article is a presentation of an autobiographical account by Emilia Smechowski entitled Wir Strebermigranten in the context of the literary output of ’the first‘ and ’the second’ generation of Polish writers in Germany (born in the sixties, who willingly came to Germany and those born in the eighties who came with their parents). It is an interpretation of the path of development of the heroine-narrator from long-standing and isolating ’over-identification‘ with the Germans, forced and falsified assimilation, towards integration of the abandoned Polish identity. The article also points to similarities between Smechowski's story and Aleksandra Tobor's and Artur Soboczynski's books and refers to the concept of ’salvation by the truth‘ used by the author and also elements of therapeutic narrative.
migration, migrant literature, assimilation, deportees, Poles in Germany, Emilia Smechowski, Wir StrebermigrantenReferences
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Brigitta Helbig-Mischewskibrigitta@helbig-mischewski.de
Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Posen (Posen) Germany
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