Karl Dedecius – The Post Mortem Recognition Tribute


Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Wrocław) (Poland)


The above written text is a discussion about articles, books, press notes and testimonies of memory that came out after Karl Dedecius death in 2016. On the basis of written texts, the author tries to identify constant elements of reception of the translator. This is why she also returns to an earlier analysis; she uses articles and press notes that appeared in 1960’s, at the beginning of Dedecius’ translating career. The analysis of Heinz Piontek regarding Zbigniew Herbert and Tadeusz Różewicz shows that thanks to his work, Dedecius brought Polish literature closer to the average German receiver, he also build bridges between poets.

The character of Dedecius that derives from the article, has been admired throughout the years for his diligence and obstinacy in bringing together the two nations – Polish and German. The aim of Dedecius was realized within his lifetime not only by translations, he also connected people from different professions together. The activities of people after the death of the “Wizard from Darmstadt” are optimistic and give, apart from few negative opinions (e.g. Ruchniewicz’s opinion), hope for the continuation of projects initiated by Dedecius.


Karl Dedecius, reception post mortem, Czesłam Miłosz, Zbigniew Herbert, Polish-German relations, Polish literature translation, Heinz Piontek


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Cited by

JAROSZ-SIENKIEWICZ, E. (2019). Karl Dedecius – The Post Mortem Recognition Tribute. Transfer. Reception Studies, 4, 229–246. https://doi.org/10.16926/trs.2019.04.14


Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Wrocław) Poland


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