Laughter in the comedies of the Skamander environment. Functions and types
Laughter in the comedies of the Skamander environment. Functions and types
The author based on three works created in the Skamander environment, Złodziej idealny ["The Ideal Thief"] Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (written in 1923-1924), Powrót mamy ["Mother's Return"] (1935) and Baba-Dziwo (1938) by Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, showed various types and functions of laughter.
In the presented world, she found manifestations of somatic laughter, expressing the joy of life or madness, and committed, possessing the power to change reality and break down the existing forms. The heroes also use laughter as masks, covering surprise, fear or embarrassment. In this way, they transform the controversy into a conversation. They also refer to the social role of laughter, to create a community, define its boundaries, establish the group's personal status or agree on attitudes and behaviors.
Literary images of laughing people have also become examples of cultural laughter, which is why the author showed the comedic work of the Skamander community in the context of the practices of Young Poland and the Interwar period. At the same time, she opposed bringing the Skandiric "gesture of laughter" exclusively to joyful self-acceptance.
the Skamander environment, Interwar period comedies, gesture of laughter, somatic laughter, cultural laughter, Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, Jarosław IwaszkiewiczReferences
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Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa (Częstochowa) Poland
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